W O R K   W I T H   M E

The Home Wellness Evaluation

Create a Healthy Home with In-Person or Virtual Services

Finally…A Quick and Easy Way to Turn Your Toxic Home into a Place Where Your Health and Wellness Thrives!

Are you sick of wondering what you’re missing and if you’re doing enough to protect your health when it comes to reducing toxins and creating a healthier home environment? Tired of spending hours online and getting overwhelmed researching and reading articles and reviews? And looking for ways to make this whole process easier to understand and manageable so you can achieve this more quickly? At The Toxin-Free Home, I help health-conscious individuals create a healthier, less toxic home in the shortest time possible.

In the last ten years I’ve shown clients who prioritize their health and wellness how to reduce the toxic load for themselves and their family by stepping them through each room in their home and showing them how to make easy changes that turn a toxic home into one that support them to be their healthiest without years of hard work and trial and error. I’ve achieved impressive results for myself and my clients, and I can do the same for you too.

Simply Follow My Blueprint To Success and You’ll Avoid Wasting Time and Money on Solutions that Don’t Work or Make Your Home Worse!

Turning a bedroom, nursery, office or family room into places that nourish your health can be much easier than you think. Many people simply don’t know the correct steps to take which makes them take far longer than they need to. I’ve done all the hard work for you, so all you need to do is follow my step-by-step blueprint and you’ll have a home that supports you to be your healthiest in no time.

You won’t just save time either. When you follow my advice closely, you also continue to benefit from a home that’s optimized to support your health and wellness with better sleep, and more energy and mental clarity at the end of a long day than you would ever be able to achieve on your own.

These services will help you to identify, measure, and fix potential problem areas in your home and sources outside of the home that may be affecting you, you’ll know what they are and recommendations for fixing.

Home Wellness Evaluations can include:

  • Indoor air quality to determine how healthy or unhealthy the air is inside your home and solutions for fixing
  • Infrared measurements to identify if there are mold concerns and if a mold inspection is needed
  • Water and kitchen evaluations and recommendations to reduce your toxic load
  • Electronics are a critical part keeping kids as safe as possible and we measure the fields in bedrooms and play areas, explain ideal targets and provide you with prioritized actionable steps based on your specific needs



  • Know where the problem areas are in your home, source of the issue, how to fix
  • If any products you have purchased (or plan to) do what you think they will, and if not, why and what the recommended alternatives are
  • How the measurements in your home compare to “safe levels” and other similar homes

What to Expect

After assessing your unique needs, our goal is to equip you with all the knowledge in less than a day to eliminate the need for future calls.

Part of that education clears up the confusion between government standards and what is considered healthy, and you’ll know how to discern information moving forward.

Your priorities are our priorities as we step through your home to measure and assess potential areas of concern with specialized instruments and tools.

During the assessment, you’ll get a hands-on, collaborative approach and with your approval, we’ll change everything we can immediately.

We provide the context to understand the severity of any issues or concerns with steps and options to resolve.

You’ll get all written and verbal recommendations and measurements from the day and a follow-up digital copy with links to additional resources.

A typical visit includes indoor air quality and infrared measurements to verify if a mold inspection is needed and assessment of your water and kitchen setup. We measure fields from your electronics in your office, bedrooms and play areas and explain ideal targets with recommendations and prioritized, actionable steps based on your specific needs.

The Process

1. Fill out the Form

The request form will ask you general questions about your home, what areas of your home or health (or both) you have questions and would like to improve or address and if you've already taken any steps.  

2. 30-Minute Free Consultation Call

After I've reviewed your information, I’ll reach out within a few days to set up a short call. During the call, I’ll ask some additional questions and provide feedback on potential problem areas that could be affecting you and how serious they are. I’ll also answer any questions you have about the process, give you a quote, and we’ll create a plan of action to get your assessment or calls scheduled.

3. Services

Once we land on the scope, priorities, and timeframes, your services can be scheduled. Assessments can usually be scheduled within a few weeks, and in-person assessments typically take 3.5–5.5 hours from start to finish.

4. Questions After Your Services

We get a LOT done during our time together, and most clients have a few questions as they dig into the details of what they’ve learned. You’re welcome to email me with follow-up questions after your assessment.



Toxins in the home lead to disease. Learn about common symptoms and associated illnesses.


Learn where toxins are most commonly found and how they could be affecting you.


Click here to fill out the request form and schedule your services. Let's get started!

Risa Suzuki Healthy Home indoor air quality and EMF Testing


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