W H O   W E   H E L P


Services designed to quickly evaluate and provide guidance for the right solutions and fill in any gaps you may have missed with the overall goal of strengthening your immune system to reduce triggers and unmask any symptoms that toxins your home may be hiding


If you have a weak or compromised immune system, whether it’s something mild and low risk or something more serious, you may have already taken some steps or maybe you haven’t been able to address toxins in your home until now.

Whatever your situation is, your recommendations are prioritized with immune system benefits as the main focus.

 Oftentimes the questions and concerns are measuring any current solutions to make sure they’re actually working, if you’ve overlooked or missed something important, and the actual steps needed for maintaining a toxin-free environment.  



  • Know what you need to do in your home that have the biggest impacts and stack ranked options
  • Know how effective (or not) the steps you’ve already taken are 
  • Find out what you may have overlooked and identify additional steps you can be taking 
  • Know what to do to keep your house clear of toxins and identify potential issue early on before they become big, expensive problems



Toxins in the home lead to disease. Learn about common symptoms and associated illnesses.


Learn where toxins are most commonly found and how they could be affecting you.


Click here to fill out the request form and schedule your services. Let's get started!

Risa Suzuki Healthy Home indoor air quality and EMF Testing

Author of "What the EMF?"

Schedule Your Free 15-Minute Consultation