Remodels, New Builds, ADUs

These are designed to give you peace of mind if you’re ready to make an offer on a home and want to ensure you won’t have any unexpected surprises after an offer has been made or you’ve moved into your new home.

Pre-purchase assessments usually need a fast turnaround time, and these assessments are usually scheduled within a week depending on everyone’s schedule and availability.

All assessments include:

  • Air quality testing inside and outside to determine how clean the air is inside the home
  • EMF measurements inside and outside for the three main fields (electric, magnetic, radio frequency/Wi-Fi) to see your impact from cell towers, power lines, smart meters, neighbors and items inside such as computers, TVs, and modems if the house is still occupied
  • Custom EMF testing with focus on sleeping areas, kids spaces, and home offices to identify impact from specific sources inside (if the house is occupied) and outside. We’ll create healthier technology and office setup recommendations to find the right balance of reducing your exposure within your technology requirements or constraints and additional self-care options to help mitigate your impact after you move in.
  • *If applicable: EMF shielding testing to validate if outside sources can be effectively mitigated against and if shielding is an option for you
  • Comprehensive best practices and recommendations that apply to the whole house to keep your air cleaner, options for water systems and solutions, and kitchen cookware

Step 1: Consultation

During your free consultation with Risa, you’ll discuss what your goals and priorities are for the assessment, any areas of concern or where you would like special attention during the assessment, where you are in the offer process and the timeframe you have in mind. These typically require a very fast turnaround time to schedule with a follow up with results immediately after the testing. It’s recommended that you have a few possible dates and times, permission from the seller and if we have permission to temporarily shut off the power for about 20-30 minutes.

Although many clients like to walk through with the assessment with me, it’s not a requirement and quite a few clients are from out of state.

(Note: If you are looking at house outside of the Seattle area, travel arrangements can also be made to with some advanced planning).

Step 2: Schedule your assessment

Pre-purchase assessments can take about two hours from start to finish. However, it will depend on the amount of time the seller and agents will allow for the measurements. It will also depend on square footage of the home, when it was built, wiring, previous remodels, external factors such as powers lines, cell towers, etc., and sources inside the home. Once the date and time has been confirmed with everyone, your assessment can be scheduled with  a 50% deposit to reserve your date and time with the remaining balance charged after the assessment is completed. If you are not present for the assessment, we will decide on a time immediately after the assessment to discuss the results and any recommendations.

Step 3: Day of assessment – taking measurements

If you aren’t present for the assessment, I’ll meet your real estate agent (or theirs) at the home and take all of the measurements for air particles, EMF fields, etc…

Typically I will start outside with air quality and EMF measurements and then take the rest of the measurements inside the home. This is typically when potential wiring or grounding errors are identified, and those occur in about 30% of the homes regardless of when they were built or size of the home.

Step 4: Air, Water, Kitchen, Whole-house and EMF Recommendations

If you are present, we’ll cover your air quality results and what options you have to keep that area cleaner. We’ll cover the different options available for removing toxins from your water, what makes sense for your home and lifestyle and approximate cost, space needed and complexity. We’ll also touch on cookware choices and their pros and cons and other common toxins in kitchens, and general healthy home best practices when it comes to vacuuming, dusting and cleaning.

For the EMF recommendations, you’ll see (and hear from the meters) firsthand where the sources are (if any) depending on if the house is furnished or not. I’ll walk you through what the ideal setup and layout is for bedrooms and offices and what products to order such as shielded cords or longer and better quality iPhone cables. If there are shielding recommendations, I’ll walk you through exactly what your options are since there will most likely be more than one option, the pros and cons, what the material is like, the installation process and all of the gotchas to avoid, how long it usually takes and about how much it costs. If there’s any shielding recommendations that I do not recommend, you’ll also understand why it is not a good choice for you.

All of your recommendations are prioritized and I’ll walk you through why some are higher or lower so you’ll understand and if you decide to implement a lower priority item before a higher priority item, you’ll know what the tradeoffs are.

If you are present for the assessment, we will walk through and cover everything in our follow-up call.

Step 5: After the Assessment

If you’ve walked through the house with me, you’ll know by the end of the assessment if there are any concerns and what all of the recommendations are. You’ll keep all of the hard copies with all of the measurements that were taken and the written recommendations.

If you are out of state and not present for the assessment, I’ll call you at the appointed time and walk you through all of the findings, measurements and recommendations so you know right away if you should move forwards. The most important piece is relaying the information you need to move forwards as quickly as possible, so most calls are scheduled within a few hours after the assessment.

For all pre-purchase assessments (whether you were there in person or not) you’ll receive an email report with a .pdf summary overview of the findings and all of the measurements and recommendations within 24-48 hours after the assessment so you have a digital copy for your records that you can go back and refer to.

Step 6: Completion

For all pre-purchase assessments (whether you were there in person or not) you’ll receive an email report with a .pdf summary overview of the findings and all of the measurements and recommendations within 24-48 hours after the assessment so you have a digital copy for your records that you can go back and refer to. The balance will be charged after the assessment with the card that the deposit was paid for (unless otherwise specified).

My goal is to help you create the healthiest environment possible for you that works for your lifestyle and supports your immune system and overall health and wellbeing. It’s easy to get overwhelmed figuring out the best choices with the biggest impacts and I make it easy to understand, simple and straightforward for you. After working with me you will know what’s creating or affecting your home and be able to use the information from what you’ve learned again and again  in the future.

I’m looking forward to working with you!


Healthy Homes Northwest indoor air quality and EMF Testing

Healthy Homes Northwest indoor air quality and EMF Testing

Healthy Homes Northwest indoor air quality and EMF Testing

Healthy Homes Northwest indoor air quality and EMF Testing

Healthy Homes Northwest indoor air quality and EMF Testing

Healthy Homes Northwest indoor air quality and EMF Testing