W H O   W E   H E L P


We work with a wide range of practitioners, doctors, and wellness professionals to help your clients achieve their wellness goals. We also provide a free in-office assessment of your practice room to give you a first-hand glimpse of the level of service and detail provided during a typical assessment.


As a practitioner, we know you have a jam-packed schedule from start to finish filled with clients you’re trying to help. 

Clearing toxins in your patients’ home environments can significantly improve their sleep quality, energy, cognitive functions and potentially unmask symptoms symptoms that slowed progress down, regardless if they are a brand new client or if you’ve been working with them on an ongoing basis.

However, stepping them through the details is tedious and time consuming with a lot back and forth questions in order to get the best results.

That’s where I can assist them quickly and efficiently to measure and evaluate their environment, and to implement solutions immediately whether in-person or remote, with their permission. We know it can be overwhelming and easy to procrastinate when dealing with health issues, which is why we implement as many of the changes as possible and walk them through the best practices of how to keep their house toxin-free and what to monitor for their particular situation.  

A one-pager summary is provided with each assessment or remote service package that your client can share with you which provides a brief summary of what was found and how they’re being impacted, what was implemented or recommended, and what changes, symptoms or improvements for you to monitor.


What to Ask and Symptoms to Look for in Your Patients

General awareness about toxins in the home can be a mixed bag, with some folks brand new to the idea of being impacted by toxins in the home, while others who have a high awareness may have focused on one particular area or taken steps that aren’t helping them. Below are some questions and symptoms based on what I typically hear from clients and areas of improvement after working with them that may be helpful for you as well:  


  • Have they worked with someone to do a thorough review of their home to assess the toxic load from their environment and have they taken steps to resolve?
  • Do they feel better when they leave their home for a period of time?
  • Are there areas in their home where they feel worse?
  • Do they have good quality sleep every night or do they have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep? 
  • Are they anxious or easily triggered 
  • Continual brain fog, trouble focusing, information takes a lot longer to process, tasks take longer to complete
  • Little to no improvement for symptoms that have been treated with multiple approaches
  • Constant low-grade symptoms like continual allergies, migraines, fatigue, asthma that don’t seem to get better or worse over time 


  • Reducing or eliminating symptoms that have been potentially covering up the root cause of issues
  • Less toxins means a reduction of the overall stress on the body and promotes an optimal immune response
  • Improved sleep quality allows the body to do a better job repairing itself at night
  • May help accelerate progress and improvements

Free In-Office Assessments

These are a great way to see what issues I find, how I work, solve problems, make recommendations and implement solutions while getting a free office assessment of your own space. Every practitioner I’ve worked with has been pleasantly surprised with the level of attention to detail and quality they receive in these assessments. These are typically done in less than an hour and can include all or some of the services a client would receive and you’ll keep all of the hard copy measurements and recommendations as well.

To schedule, fill out the assessment form below and let’s get started!



Toxins in the home lead to disease. Learn about common symptoms and associated illnesses.


Learn where toxins are most commonly found and how they could be affecting you.


Click here to fill out the request form and schedule your services. Let's get started!

Risa Suzuki Healthy Home indoor air quality and EMF Testing

Author of "What the EMF?"

Schedule Your Free 15-Minute Consultation