Did you know…

You’re Absorbing 150+

Toxins from Your Home

That Are Linked to

Chronic Illness


Reduce your exposure and create a safer home with proven, expert solutions

Schedule your FREE 15-minute consultation

Did you know…

You’re Absorbing 150+

Toxins From Your Home

That Are Linked to

Every Chronic Illness

Reduce your exposure and create a safer home with proven, expert solutions

Schedule your FREE 15-Minute consultation

In Just 26 Seconds, Toxins Can Reach Every Organ in Your Body

We spend over 90% of our time indoors, and the toxins in our homes can linger in our bodies for up to 50 years. Children are especially vulnerable, and pregnant women can unknowingly pass these toxins to their unborn babies. If you’re not managing toxins in your home, you’re neglecting a vital component of your overall health and wellness.

Early warning signs, such as headaches, fatigue, and allergies, can indicate unhealthy toxin levels in your air, water, electronics, and household products. If left unaddressed, these common complaints can spiral into unmanageable conditions and chronic illnesses that can take years to diagnose.

Breathe Easy. I’m Here to Help

As a certified Building Biology Environmental Consultant with over a decade of experience, I’ll use data specific to your home to pinpoint exactly what needs attention so you can focus your energy on implementing real, targeted solutions that make a tangible difference to your health and well-being.

Whether we connect remotely or in person, you’ll get a custom-tailored plan with the latest research and practical, doable approaches for a healthier home.

Make a positive change today! Together, let’s create a home where your health and wellness thrive!

Schedule your FREE 15-minute consultation

Risa Suzuki Healthy Home indoor air quality and EMF Testing

Author of "What the EMF?"

Client Testimonials

"Before finding Risa, I worked with a few building biologists who recommended measures that were extreme, permanent, and out of my budget. Risa is flexible and dynamic in how she thinks. She tailors her evaluation and recommendations to meet your specific needs, lifestyle, and budget. After working with Risa, I had a greater understanding of small measures I could take to reduce my daily exposure and a more attainable 'big picture' plan, which was very comforting. I no longer felt like we had to pack up and move to reduce exposure and my symptoms."

Brooke H., Nurse Practitioner

"The assessment helped us feel so much more at peace, knowing that there were specific interventions we could implement immediately and others more gradually. We feel calmer, and the energy within and around us feels more settled, so to speak. Risa is knowledgeable, detailed, and thorough in her work. Thank you so much, Risa. We are very grateful for your time and energy."

Nilinjana K., Naturopathic Health Coach

"Before working with Risa I wanted to learn more about EMFs. I would often buy products as a quick fix not knowing if they actually worked. I have 3 little kids and want to protect their health. I have done a lot of work with my ND to be the healthiest version on myself. After working with Risa I was able to make instant changes in my home. I feel more at peace in my home and she also helped me understand what products work and that certain things I thought were helpful were more harmful! I have more energy now not using some of my products!"

Ashley Housman

"I couldn’t sleep in my own home anymore. I’d been sleeping at a friend’s house for a few months. Now I’m symptom-free during the day and am on track to be back to normal 24/7. I can sleep in my own bed again. I spoke to another building biologist and had the usual experience. Risa is caring and professional and she will listen to you. If she doesn’t know the answer, she’ll get it for you. She really cares about helping people."

Maureen O.

"I was experiencing a host of health issues, and nothing seemed to be improving them. I am still on a recovering journey, but I can definitely tell certain things are mending much faster now. The biggest benefit of working together was her detailed knowledge of everything, and being able to not only explain this all, but from personal experience as well. Working with Risa gave me a great peace of mind."

Shannon K.

"I felt like Risa gave us a lot of really good information and practical tips and advice. I had actually already hired a building biologist before I hired Risa because he was about 3 x cheaper than she was but he was not very helpful so you get what you pay for. I would say that Risa’s assessment was much more than 3x more helpful than the initial one. She is really knowledgeable, caring and extremely generous with her time. I felt like I could connect with her and trust her. I have been recommending her to other people who are EHS and also to health practitioners who may have EHS patients."

Sara U.

"The unknown is what caused me the most anxiety. The assessment gave me the peace of mind I needed and the power to change what I had control over. Risa is amazing! she is passionate about her work and dedicated to helping others live their healthiest life possible. she has an incredible wealth of knowledge which she is so generous with!!"

Jen W.

"As a nutritionist with a special interest in environmental factors in health, I was already well aware of the detrimental impact of EMF’s, their role in contemporary health issues and familiar with more common sources of exposures and starting steps. Risa was referred to me by one of the top naturopaths in the country and has been a tremendously valuable and generous resource for guiding me to the next level. Risa has helped me to prioritize steps and gone above and beyond with her time and guidance. She is passionate and dedicated to making a difference in people’s lives through her training in this arena. Thanks Risa!!"

Cathy C., Nutritionist

"Through the last 7years I have dealt with chronic health issues and sensitivities. I was overwhelmed with deciphering how to assess my living environment. I immediately noticed an increased level of ease and comfort in my own home. I could feel the “buzz” in my home is much less and my underlying anxiety subside. My sleep drastically improved. I used to wake up every night between 12-4am and now I sleep through the night. I would give her 5 stars!!"

Abby P.

"Before Risa came to help us make our home safer, we felt lost because we did not know which source of information to trust and where to start. Risa made us feel comfortable to ask questions and she took time to answer them thoroughly. Her solutions were always practical and her instructions to make improvements were easy to understand. We’re grateful for her service. I hope more people will learn about what she does and will take advantage of her knowledge and services. I highly recommend her."


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Healthy Home Expert Risa Suzuki

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Schedule your FREE 15-Minute consultation call today!

Healthy Home Expert Risa Suzuki

Toxins in Your Home

Discover where toxins hide in most homes and how they affect you and your family.

Healthy Home Expert Risa Suzuki

Common Symptoms

Explore whether your symptoms are linked to unaddressed toxins at home.

As Seen On

Seattle EMF Testing
EMF Testing in Seattle
EMF Testing Consultant in Seattle

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